
Military neck, which is also called cervical kyphosis, is a rare disease that affects the curve of the neck. It can cause serious impairment and a lower quality of life. Natural spine curvature helps preserve posture and balance. People may have trouble standing straight if their spine curvatures are too big or small. 

What is a Military Neck?

It’s called cervical kyphosis, and it’s an unusual neck curve. A modest backward C bend is normal for your neck. Military neck or cervical kyphosis, reduces neck curvature. Your head may tilt forward due to your extremely straight neck.

Military Neck Symptoms

Pain is the main military neck symptom. As bones wear down and the spine curves, pressure on the spine increases, causing pain. As the curve worsens, spine abnormalities or odd curvatures can cause several other issues. They may include:

  • Trouble swallowing
  • Having trouble breathing
  • Painful back
  • Spinal cord compression
  • Head bent forward
  • Trouble raising your head or neck

What Causes a Military Neck?

A military neck is usually caused by bad posture, whether awake or asleep. Computer use, occupational situations, and repeated actions can cause poor posture. Others conditions can cause the military neck, such as:

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degeneration of intervertebral discs occurs with aging. This thins and collapses spine discs. This spine shift can disrupt your neck’s normal curvature and produce a head-weight imbalance. Degenerative disc disease worsens with age.

Latrogenic Disease

Unexpected medical procedures can cause a military neck. Laminectomy, which relieves spine pressure, is the most common. Removing the lamina increases nerve space but can also cause vertebral facet joints to be unstable. This problem is more common in youngsters than in adults who have the treatment. A failed cervical spine fusion due to shortness might also cause iatrogenic disease.

Congenital Disease

Birth defects, or congenital disorders, occur at birth. Congenital cervical kyphosis often causes urine or renal problems. Military neck is caused by congenital disorders such as incomplete spine formation, which causes the vertebrae to form a triangle. This causes an abnormal neck curve and stacked vertebrae.

Treatments for Military Neck 

Pain management in Dallas must evaluate the source and severity of spinal deformities before treating them.


Surgical treatment for the military neck is possible. The aims for surgery is:

  • Restore cervical spine curvature to spine alignment.
  • Spinal cord and nerve root decompression.
  • Restore horizontal gazing.
  • Reduce neck pain by fusing vertebrae properly.
  • Normalize the first thoracic vertebra slope. 
  • Deformity location and severity determine surgeons’ approaches.

The surgeon may work on the front or back of the cervical spine to straighten it out. The doctor has to work on both sides sometimes. Osteotomy is a common military neck operation. The bone is removed in this operation. Alternatives include spinal fixation or fusion. This method fixes vertebrae with screws and plates.

Cervical Traction

Surgeons may also utilize cervical traction. Increasing vertebral spacing is the goal of cervical traction. Cervical traction reduces nerve root compression and symptoms. It may also relax the neck muscles. A neck brace or sling with the chin upright may be used for cervical traction. 

Here are some ways to do it: method over-door  There are both mechanical and human methods of using cervical traction. All of these treatments put pressure on the neck to loosen up the cervical spine, which leads to a military neck. Therapists can help their clients pick the best answer and discuss all of its details.

To accomplish proper vertebral extension and decompression, a neck pain doctor in Dallas may administer traction for around 7 days. Cervical traction may not help the military neck without surgery.

Do Surgeries Cause Cervical Kyphosis?

Laminectomy can cause cervical kyphosis in children and adults. The spinal cord is compressed by spinal stenosis; thus, a laminectomy is performed to relieve it. A laminectomy relieves pressure by removing a bone (lamina). A forward tilt may result from the treatment changing how your head is supported on the cervical spine. This moves your head weight forward, worsening the kyphotic deformity.

How Do I Avoid Cervical Kyphosis?

Many cervical kyphosis situations are unpreventable. If you have ankylosing spondylitis or degenerative disc disease, ask your doctor about physical therapy and exercise. Regular exercise can help ease pain, strengthen and stretch your spine, and stop damage from getting worse. For better flexibility when sleeping on your back, avoid using big pillows.


Many people struggle every day with a military neck diagnosis. Manageable and often reversible with knowledge and resources. If you suspect this condition, see a doctor for a complete body posture assessment and treatment plan. The military neck is distinctive, as is your path to relief and recuperation.

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